Den röde hanen

Other title(s): Svenska Brandskyddsföreningens propagandafilm nr 1
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1926
Runtime: 20 / 00:21:48
Description: Den röde hanen or ‘The Red Rooster’ is an old term for a fire, and this information film was made by Tullberg on behalf of the Swedish Fire Protection Association. According to the film, in the 1920s there were about 3,500 fires a year in Sweden, around 900 of them in Stockholm. As the film’s intertitles explain, the red tongues of fire are not just an interesting spectacle that is exciting to read about in the papers; fire also represents a great cost to society, because even though the property that’s burning due to carelessness or ignorance may be insured, “every fire is a loss to Sweden” which eventually ends up being funded by the taxpayer. This silent film is shown with musical accompaniment by Matti Bye.
Keywords: IMediaCities / Brandkår / Fire Brigade
Provider: Svenska Filminstitutet
Rights: In Copyright / Vänligen kontakta Svenska Filminstitutet Please contact the Swedish Film Institute
Production company: AB Tullbergs Film
Colour: Black and white (tinted)
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Language: sv